This is us

The last few weeks of my 30s, I landed on This is Us on Netflix with one of my very favorites Mandy came out years ago but I started it and in good old binge fashion have traveled in time with this television family through their last years of their 30s. Maybe another sign that im right where im supposed to be. I think that may be the call of this coming decade of knowing and being right where im supposed to be - settled by the waves of knowing and not knowing in quick succession. Accepting with grace that there is no getting it 100 % of the time. It's day 1 of my birthday month and either it's the cherry Pepsi _- I prefer coke- I said yes to - or the fact that some days I wish I could slow time to cherish the space in between, the air shared, the moments one keeps that connects us through space and time. James is at his friend's tonight. I watched probably 5 episodes of this is us. And...well I dont know if there's anything more ....just that this thread of life that I've got connects me to a past ill never fully know and a future I hope to experience and stay ever present for. 


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