Back to where?

Preserving the slight breeze and stickiness of the napoli air for just a moment; the sense of my only child just one level above playing video games with his cousin, my sister and nieces in different rooms in this updated dated italian old tri level home with a courtyard overlooking "old man" piazza 

just for a moment longer 

knowing this will slip right by 

the dissipation of non-materialized worry early on 

the victories in seeing and being in another part of the world 


same same but different 

and no matter where you go, there you are 

we will be "back" soon 

but back to where? 



will it be different? 

will the daydream of this trip 

the moments of sameness but different 

somehow make its way into "back"

or rather than back, can returning be into the future? 

and how do I want that future to look, to feel? 

no I suppose there's no going back 

and then no fretting about returning 

but hope and daily renewal of spirit 

to take on our todays. 


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