Learning Living

Our young country 

At times taken and probably lesser known shared among those before us 

- The indigenous people of this land -

We rose to be a great nation. 

Envy of many. 

A field of dreams. 

We had a system and a structure that supported dreams 

for some. 

Not just then -but in and along with the cycle of man - human nature in its unintentional ways - 

saw it fit to reach for more,

power grab,

greed and subjugation. 

By nature of change

Hindsight 20/20

unintentional consequences 

we failed to teach our children

how to live 

reading, writing, arithmetic...fine

but without the hows of living

there is little use

we will end up fighting one another again 


so we build up systems

to catch our fallen 

rather than deconstruct 

the errors of our ways

highlight growth 

admit fault 

we turn a blind eye 

or perhaps we have not yet seen 

the full consequences of our choices. 

It is not to say no progress was made 

but progress too was undone 

because so simple 

to overlook 

our very basic needs 

of how to live in honor, 

in love, 

in community 

with faith and hope. 


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