empowering community

I live in a world, relatively free from financial struggles, my home is tucked away, and I can see and unsee the world if I want to. I wonder how I got here. I miss the family I grew up with every day, but most especially when the family I have here, that I fell into, breaks me; or I let it break me. I don't know. 

I think about our taxation system, our government, our "citizens," brothers and sisters spending nights on the streets, and I think how far we have gotten from one another. I wonder how we got here. 

How the power we have to give of ourselves has been stripped or overpowered by this great darkness - to only do and exchange our gifts and talents for money. Perhaps it is because the government sees it is within their duty to take from one to give to another despite their neutral distance and what they think they see, blinds them to the embitterment they have created. 

There is no power great enough to care for and teach every one of our children; that power comes behind speaking up for the voices of parents, and employees. Allowing everyone to care for themselves again and to allow neighbors to work together - no bureaucratic red tape, that adds layers and layers of impossible reading material, can do that so STOP. 

I don't know how to rebalance this thing; I just wanted to get this thought out on paper, to keep working on it. Maybe one day it will guide me somewhere. 


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