chasing the sugar high

I'm a physician; a family physician...I spend my days talking to patients about healthy lifestyle and healthy food choices. The food we choose is either helping our bodies or it is not BUT this is my blood sugar right now and it's climbing...

And you know what I did when I saw this, I reached for the bag of cheesy puffs that my son left on the kitchen counter. FOREHEAD SLAP EMOJI. I've been having headaches, I feel tingles in my body, I'm bloated, uncomfortable, but I haven't stopped. We the one solitary human has been battling the machine of food industry - science of chemical combinations - and it's supposed to be on us to win? 

Meh. Can I readjust my recent binge eating habits I call "holiday hibernation"? It's cold here. But seriously, I'm not too keen on feeling this way for too much longer. I did grab a piece of thanksgiving turkey leftover to try to slow the rise in my blood sugars.

My point is with sugars going up as high as they do, I tend to crash, and there is this theory regarding the craving cycle that says your body gets used to elevated sugars, so it craves it and henceforth this vicious cycle of eating more and more aka my title: chasing the sugar high.

What is there to do now? If I want to be healthy, to feel healthy...



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