Nature is where we belong

One of my big takeaways from this trip we took was how much the material world has stripped us of our connection to earth and in essence, to one another. I came away from exploring this small massive part of the world - The Colorado Plateau - with such wonder and realization that we need to spend time outside, that I WANTED to spend time outside all the time. Sure I talk about 30-60 minutes of physical activity, I tell kids and adolescents, spend time outside, but I had no idea it is so much more than making sure all our kids don't need glasses from too much screen time, it's about being and connecting with nature, it's about the cleansing air of trees and the dirt under your feet. It is about climbing mountain peaks and having your eyes wander around bends along the Colorado River and seeing beauty beyond measure. 

We are sharing this little journey with you, hopefully to make it easier for you to have your own. Here's our first day of the trip.


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