"Her Private Life" - Korean Drama on Netflix "What Alice Forgot" - Novel by Liane Moriarty And this poem that plays in pieces in my head about becoming a woman but always the ages before you - Our life is made up of yesterdays, stretches of memories that can't necessarily be replayed minute by minute or relived. Within these sometimes distant memories are the makings of who we are today, perhaps not defined by but certainly defining moments, whether they were marked by laughter or tear stained and broken, they are yours and it's collection is yours alone. A masterpiece that can only be claimed by one person. Unique. That story doesn't dictate our future and it cannot dictate our next step in life. It is not a blank slate but we can control the next brush stroke. Like a large mural on museum walls, see it for all it is and still call it beautiful. May we find inspiration to keep painting. May we share it with the ones who love us most and have them sa...