For you

If I accomplish this, it will not have come from me. 

If you are still near, may you hear my tears 

all this wishing you back to life 

at 38, somehow not secure enough to be without you

let alone now near 11 years since you have left

I do have a son who speaks of his ancestors 

this life I have been given was at no small cost to you 

or to ong noi you sacrificed comfort of that which was known to you

you traveled to a far away land 

that may not have completely opened their arms wide for you 

and you built a home, a family 

you kept us together 

your sadness and weight in this life I'll never truly understand 

I pray my heart continues to speak to yours 

so that even in death, I may know you deeper still. 

I hope I'm making you proud. 


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