
One of my patients came to me recently, she just a got a new job and said she's learning things in her job she wished she had learned in school. While I don't think school will teach us everything we need to know, it has certainly done us a major disservice. Yes, a major part surely is a significant lack of funding but I tell you we can usually do things with little funding if we are creative and are actually given the space to do it. 

So my major gripe today, I never really learned to cook from my mom; and I am not blaming her because surely I can learn now. It's just why did schools take away home economics classes and shop classes? We tossed it aside for what? If we don't have the basics? Were we all going to become engineers or whatever else that we didn't need to learn the basics of home economics and all this time as the family as we knew it has changed and altered some for the better and others for the worse. 

I hope we are on our way to recovery but if nothing else from this posting, I hope to see this aspect back in our public and private schools. 


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