music transcends

This last year, what happened to our connections? 

I suppose because I've always felt mine with others were tenuous, so although I smiled on zoom, I can't help but feel that I lost something. Maybe that's human nature, to feel the grass in greener. In the sermon today, I'm pretty sure one of the our pastors quoted Justin Bieber - that the grass is not greener on the other side, it's greener where you water it. 

So, did I water the garden I was standing it or did I let it dry out as I struggled my way toward some other better side? 

It's near midnight, I'm watching clips of tonight's Grammy's...and it settles me. I imagine the millions who tuned in, who have heard these songs and felt connected. I'm not terribly keen on the amount of money that goes into "entertainment" - I feel some righteous anger that music artists can make so much when our teachers who are raising up our nation and the next generous are making a basic living. 

I envision a show portraying some of our best teachers throughout our public school system as a way to elevate our teachers and their role in our society. 

But I get it, some of these songs, are stunning as they transcend time and boundaries, as they connect our deepest need to connect. 

After enjoying all the music performances of the night, I'm going to sign off to spend the rest of my today, listening to the Folklore Album. 


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