elastic memory

today my 16 month old son and I went to visit a potential sitter and she had a vietnamese show playing on tv, as soon as we walked into the house and he caught a glimpse of the television, he grinned from ear to ear, with a smile and joy that told me, "I remember." When he was 4-5 months old, his great grandmother came to Seattle to watch him while I had to go back to finish some schooling. We set her up with you tube and google chromecast so that she could watch her vietnamese shows.

So my thought is that maybe we can recall with storybook accuracy about our lives in utero/maybe the heaven beforehand or the several years of childhood, but viscerally, we feel it and "we know." And when we recognize those things/the smells/the sounds/the tastes that gave us so much joy as a kid, we experience that joy again and that is just an awesome, beautiful thing.

I'm thankful he will remember the good things and as for the bad or our mistakes along the way, I'm so grateful he cannot recount them in great detail and that if we continue to pile on more good things/moments, all the bad will be overshadowed.

James is 16 months now and he's eating well, occasionally with a spoon, mostly with his hands, and drinking from a cup, often times without spilling. he still loves throwing things and he's pretty obstinate about sitting still to change his diaper or put on clothes but he will occasionally. He responds well to praises. He's still as cuddly as ever and he's an undeniable blessing in our lives.


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