
Showing posts from July, 2010

the art of funerals

not a great topic the mortuary business? my first cremation are you buying a casket for your loved one? will you witness the cremation? ask the crematory if he will be cremated with the coffin you purchased police escorts are great feathergill mortuary in sd was on point having a social worker there that day (i'm not sure who called, but it was very cool) having a viewing on a weekday and the funeral service on a weekend know ahead of time when all this is happening so you can tell everyone in advance be sure to meet and talk with friends and family of your loved one during the viewing find out stories ask and encourage stories that make you laugh and bring you joy accept god's grace and his PERFECT timing. traveling a lot can be a pain once between the funeral home/service to the site of cremation is not terrible. perhaps having both service and cremation on location is not bad, but traveling by police escort (a short distance) is peaceful. celebrating life after funeral servi...

really excited

it's been a super long time...but here's my two sense 1) i think its silly to say "i don't know why the body chooses to do this .i.e. recurrent laryngeal nerve coming off your vagus nerve and coming around to wrap around your aorta, it's so stupid. - would i really trust YOU (who said it was stupid) to design my body? just a thought. 2) it's probably better to question why the body is the way it is and discover how it helps/works for you. 3) most cross sections/body books are from someone else's body so your R. is their left./why not have it so that their R is your R...less confusion? can you just do surgery over someone's head vs. from below? --> cool art project.