
Showing posts from January, 2023

movie magic

The movies and shows that made me: Patch Adams, Dangerous Minds, Pay It Forward, Boondocks Saints, & more recently, New Amsterdam, sprinkled with TGIF Boy Meets World and I can't quite remember the others, but I realized today that these are the shows that spoke to my soul. I didn't really get a handle on reading and comprehension until sometime in high school and I struggled in my undergraduate years.  Was it nature? Or nurture?  Why did those movies speak to me?  I've lost my train of thought, will have to try to pick this one up another day...  but excited to publish this little list, because I think out of this combination lies a part of me and my vision, and the work that lies ahead.  @chuckjamison, put in a good word for me with the guy upstairs, I'm doing my best here, but nowhere near as obediently as you! 

New Amsterdam Inspiration

Ask me 10 years ago why I went into medicine…although not entirely different, I have a whole new regard for the role of physician in society, another level of humility in wanting to save a life, having lost so many.  And this renewed drive is driven in part by a Netflix series about the dreams of doctors (eg healthy foods in hospitals, no wait ER, offering a frequent flyer a home, finding a home for a lost and broken child though unconventional ways, standing up for our own health care needs, working as a team - all the good stuff) personified in the medical director of a large public hospital New Amsterdam!  So, @NewAmsterdam, thanks for the inspiration. Looking forward to the work still to be done.